For this assignment I have chosen to write my thoughts and believes about Dystopia. I choose DYSTOPIA becuase i haven't really heard of it and I have an interest in it at the first glanced. The definition of DYSTOPIA is a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, opperssion, disease, and overcrowding.(Http:// dictionary. references
There are differences and similarities within an everyday life of a human being. We grow thinking that we are different from others, but then soon realize that we are no different from those we dislike, think is dumb,
those who are very bright, and those who we can't even describe by any word. We are similar in many ways, from race, feelings, emotins, things we see, and experanced

Everyone grows up learning how to crawl and walk. As in FEED everyone grows up learning how to use the "feed" that was placed in their head. They have no real differences just like us who is not control by the "FEED". In the feed we can see [after reading] that as we get to know the character we can see their similarities towards the use of the "feed." In the beganning towards the middle of the book they start to talk about the the lesion. At first he lesion was "NOT COOL" to have then all of a sudden it became the most popular thing ever. The lesion is like a disease, but a nice looking one. One that marks everyone in a different place. In the book "FEED" there are many similariteis as well as reality.

The first picture shows all the way that we as human beings are related. The secoun picture[to the left] shows the lesion and how everyone is getting eat up by what we've made. The third picture[ the one right next to this] shows us the things that human have made can also injuried us and taken us into a different phrase of life.
I choose the three picture becuase the first one gave a little information of the characteristic that we have and the character in the book FEED has. As for the secound picture i choose it becuase it looked like a lesion and it reminds me of the book FEED itself , and it made me think about how we as human being are putting ourself in danger for the near future. The third picture gives me athe whole picture of what the first two picture can bring us into. As in confusion, lack of memory, more technology, and new creature that can harm us.

The picture to the right of this shows how human being are killing the nature and building many need and want that we have and need. It takes me back to the book FEED and how the the people there has trashed many different places; made it a boring polutted places and an invention of human beings.
It also brings me back to how the human had cut all the tree down to build a place that makes air for them to breath in the book "FEED."

I feel like the more we as human build upon our wants instead of our needs and advancing new things this can lead to robots. It might even also lead to how the people in "FEED" are like. This can really harm us in many way and affetc manys life in everyway that is possible. At first this was an illness that we can cure but now this is an illness or a dystopia that many can not let go, but get more and more addicted to it. "Dystopia: A society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppersion, disease, and overcrowding." We are going to lose many living space and one day live ontop of one another and the death of ours will follow slowly.
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