Respond to the following question:" they're also waiting.........type for easy marketing" (p. 80-81) Relat to marketing tatics in today, what's your type, ads get if have "feed", how often will one chat- if have "feed", and how would "chatting" affect modern ay communication?
... What does violet willingness to do this say about her personallity?Do you know anyone like her? How are they alike?
......respond to titus reaction to his parents buying him an up car (p. 96-97)...What does this mean?Write about your response to it.
This qoute is related to today's society becuase we hear and see advertisements everywhere. Growing up as a citizen in the Uinted States, I am very easily influenced to buy things that are advertise to me. For example: An advertisement about clothes comes on for commerials and I will be like " Oh my gosh, I have got to buy it; It's HOTT." I mean i'm not the only one who does this, but i do do it. So, i'll fall into the fashion catagory if I am suppose to be placed into a catagory to be advertise too. This passage brings me back to a question that was ask in blog one. The question was " The girls have to changed theiir hair frequently becuase the style chnage. What does thise statement tell us about new trend?" This passage bring me back to this question becuase advertisements makes us want to buy the advertise stuff. For example: Everyone wants the newest stuff to stay up with everyone else; so we buy advertisments to be on the same line. Advertisment are advertise to help the company run ; though we know that we still go and buy it; for it make a spark in the eyes of us. I have to say no one can run for advertisement as well as chatting. In my personal feelings I think i won't "CHAT" very often if i was to have a "FEED". I like to talk to people face to face and hear their tones of vioce so i can tell if their telling a true or a lie. By communicating with the feed seems to be a little bit not "cool" for me; becuase then it'll seem lieka phone. I'm not a phone person and or a technology person. So, yea. But it if i did have a feed i think i will use it to chat with others when i have a" SECRET" to tell my friends. But then besides that i think i will barely use it. While reading the book I figure out that it'll be very quiet and dead for everyone is like m-chatting. All u can hear is cricket crying, but ur feed is like working it's butt off every one secound. Chatting by FEED will really affect our modern day communication. For we won't have the loud noisy and happy moments that everyone will have but just giggles and luaghter that everyone thinks it's weird.
Voilet willingness to do this project tells one that she is a risk taker and a dangerous one. Well a person with half a brain. She is a person witha half a brain becuase she already knows that her feed is already damage but yet she wants to damage it even more. In the other charater I see then being taken over like robots by the FEED, but Violet is acting this project on her own well adn her own likings. By her doing this for her own liking it reminds me of many people that i know. They are like her for they know it's going to damage them or hurt them in away , and yet they still do it. They do it in a way that no one can understand it and do it becuase they want to or is carious aout the outcomes; JUST like Violet.
(movie to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnSegu4A5Uc&feature=related: sorry i coulcn't put it on here: i have technical dificulties. SORRY!!)
Titus responds to his parents when he found out that they are willing to buy him a upcar is similar to people whom parents are going to buy them cars ( not up car though) . It's similar to guys for they have girlfriends and by having a car they can pick their little girl up and eat dinner or something like it. His respose to his parents are not different from other teenagers response to their parents.
"We enter a time of calamity" means to enter a time of disaster. I said this people they are in a time zone that the humans are literly being teach and getting their knowledge from technology and not written information like we do. They are littering on the moon and trashing other planet; just not only earth. This also relates to the WAR in Iraq that we can't even find a solution too. US, as citizen can't even find or think a solution out. It's just like us being controled by the government; just like the feed controling the people.The people can't even think for them selves but letting the feed think for themselves. "HUMAN HAVE PUT THEMSELVES INTO AN ILLNESS THAT CAN'T BE CURED!" That is the reason why " we have enter a time of calamity" is to enter a time of disaster.
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