Many has said that when life is hard theres a place to run
but it seems like there is no place to run to
all the places in the world for me to run is full
theres no more room in this world to hold all of our pain
so, i''m here holding onto my pain and grief
Hoping that one day
just one day it'll go away
and i sit here long before the sunset
asking when am i going to be "unfrozen"
Fall has disappear and yet my tears still fall
the leaves are off the ground
swept away with the air
but my tears forever stays in the soil of my foot
this platform that i stand
can no longer with hold me
every secounds that passes by it breaks slowing
creeping it's way into the ground
scraping the hard soil
running straight threw their soft blood
my eyes open wide
my mouth close tightly
the tears rolling slowly down my cheek
and i wonder in the dark starring night
hearing the owls sing their songs
the bats crying for food
these rats yelling for help
and the worms wiggling their way out of suffer
another tear drops
feeling sympathy
i twist
but i can't
i looked down to see the shining slik
holding onto my legs
like a giant holding onto his gold goose
it slowly crawls up my body
like the butterfly tinggling in my tummy when i make my speeches
then i realize
feeling the cold breeze
looking in the dark starring night
wishing and begging for help
i wake to notice
it's a dream
it's morning
the sun is up and the trees are white
the leaves cover in silk as white as the cloudy sky
the platform with hold piles of pillows
my body aching in pain
my heart as cold as ice cube
i move
and i can't
i turn
and i can't
i yell
yet my mouth is shut close
i blink
but a hand hold my eyes open
looking in the cloudy white sky
i have now realize
i am nowhere to be found
nor to be help
my death is here
my life ends here
the road of success
the journey of dreams
the smiles of happiness
the faces i see
the life i lived
will soon be a story
with a ending
this here
the land
the leaves
the hands that hold my eyes open
the pains i feel
the tear ripping my faces
the last breathe i'm taking will stay
forever in my head
until someone else's anyalizes them
i'm here
on April 16, 2009
under this peach tree
surrounding by white silks
and pillows
feeling the cold breeze passing by
the sky does not shine
the sun did not come out today
instead it's raining
raining white flowers
though my heart will stops
i will smile
and take my last breathe
mubbling " I'm Sorry"
there!! hahaha.. this is a peom or so that i wrote. it might be complicated to understand but yea. hahaha.. anyway i only hope that everyone enjoed it..
the peom is about a person forzen in the middle of April. That person's not really forzen. It's just that that person is going through soo many things that it feels as if that person was frozen in time. The pains that person carry will soon kill him/ her and the happy memories and dreams/ goals that person set forth to finish will then end. All that person can do is say sorry for life that she/ he has been given hoping for a better live; if theres another chance.

everyone says i stand out; yet you walk right pass by
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ReplyDeleteAnd why does your poems hits me hard.
ying ying- if there is something wrong
I am here to listen.
Sigh* I know what you mean.
We shall talk.
You have very detailed poems
you must let me read them
whenever you write a new one.
I shall have a chit chat with you soon.