everyone says i stand out; yet you walk right pass by
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Cat In The Hat: Option #1
I really hope this answers the questions..
Friday, May 29, 2009
Man i quit it. I quit being this person. I can't believe it ; we're all growing up soo fast. we're all changing in soo many ways. We're all just never going to be the same, huh. I...huh.. AM speechless!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Perseperlious #2
In Marji's family the most important part for her parent is her. She is the treasure that they will always support and won't let get hurt. Her family likes to talk about the political that is happening and the things that are happening around the neghbor. One can say that the family is pretty close since she is the only duaghter ( will in the book it sounds like it). The enviornment that they make for her is very calming and very interesting, it also kind of tries to take her head away from the oppersion and over welming war that is happening. They get there chance from standing tall on the tring to stand of the ground around others. It is also a chance to face to teach their kids what to not do in a time like this.
In the book. They didn't actually tell what the role of women is but the surroundings of the book tells us that the women role should be inside the house. Like they are suppose to clean the house, stay in the house and can't show any of their skins. All the women in the book are very covered up though they don't want to and don't like it. The women as teachers seem to be very very mean, but it's they are doing what the law tells them too. Her mother and her grandmother are alike they don't like how things are running for a women yet they do it but they also hae their fun. This is all i have for this blog.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Persepolis Blog
This book is structured in a way that many will be able to read it. There are the narrator bars and all those other comic things. But overall the structure of the book is very alive. HAHAHA. It's alive becuase the story itself is very well known. In this book the passage of time is presented in a way that the readers can tell what time of her life she is talking/ stateing about. In this way of telling she also added pictures that helps the reader (me) a more understanding of her life story. With the picture involved in this comic novel it helps the reader to have a better visual of it. Not only are they going to have a better visual but can also place theirselves in that particular situation. That is how the book helps and excites me to read it.
The readers voice is very..... I don't know how to explain it. But it's very appealing, ok i lied, will a little. Marji's character has many sides to it. It's very.... sometimes unlikable, likable, and just boring. She doesn't have that much of a boring side to it, but then she has a very unlikable side to her. I just didn't like how she would like be very stubborn and like not listen to her parents. How she like ran off and skipped school to look cool. THAT WAS A STRAIGHT UP NO NO!! the things that i like abotu her was that she was able to answer smart things and state smart statement. Yes, the little girl took over my attention of the over all story line. That girl, MAN, she just blew my up in smiles to an agrue face.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Refelction on Project
In the book, as i read it. i don't think there anything but thereselves if they don't have the feed; for they can communicate with others. Also many people will look them down; like how they did to Violet's father ( when he went out to look for a job and the two men was trying to chat with him ; when noticing that he doesn't have a feed they started to m-chat about him). They wouldn't know about many things as fast as others. They will also fall behind but at the same they will learn things that the feed can not teach the people. So, bascially they'll be kind of like a alien, yet only living in a human body or the low class one.
Titus order pants in the last chapter becuase that is what they do when they are down/ upset. He order pants becuase violets dad was blaming him for her illness and he got into an argument with her dad. So, he couldn't think of anything, but to buy stuff; for satisfaction. That's is like a watse of money and it's very stupid; but who can help him he grew up like that. What a spoil BRAT!!!
In my opinion i think that American culture is high class technology. For example: if you don't have a cell phone than your not like fitting in with the others or ipods. I feel like one day this book will become the life of America. For our technology is getting so high that we are going towards that idea or close to it. It's scary to think abotu it,but i can't help it; for America is heading towards that route. American culture is a high class techonlogy.
Technology in America... I think no one can resist it. Personally i think technology is the biggest Drug that was every made by human beings / man. It's very addicted and it's bad, yet it had somewhat of a good side to it. It's like every other thing that we uses or think of. There will be a pro and a can side to it. Technology is a good way to comminucate with others and have fun but it can also harm learning and ones daily excersise. Technology is one of the reason why American is getting so obese. Technology is making everything easier for us human that we just sit around the house expecting to get everything we want. Seriously, one day we will be like the movie wallie ( where every human being is like very huge); that's going to be us one day. That day will come right after we become feed. one may deny that we will mever be like it for we, human beings, are finding way to help reduce global warming and other stuff. That's true. Yet, we are not trying to slow our technology down though. We are building new ones every day of the,secound, minute,hour, day. month, and year of our life. That it will soon become excatly what we don't want it to be. It'll destory all of us in a blink of eye like how it did to Violet. Technology is not resistable, yet it has both sides to it.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Visual ESSAY-BLOG #3

For this assignment I have chosen to write my thoughts and believes about Dystopia. I choose DYSTOPIA becuase i haven't really heard of it and I have an interest in it at the first glanced. The definition of DYSTOPIA is a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, opperssion, disease, and overcrowding.(Http:// dictionary. references
There are differences and similarities within an everyday life of a human being. We grow thinking that we are different from others, but then soon realize that we are no different from those we dislike, think is dumb,
those who are very bright, and those who we can't even describe by any word. We are similar in many ways, from race, feelings, emotins, things we see, and experanced

Everyone grows up learning how to crawl and walk. As in FEED everyone grows up learning how to use the "feed" that was placed in their head. They have no real differences just like us who is not control by the "FEED". In the feed we can see [after reading] that as we get to know the character we can see their similarities towards the use of the "feed." In the beganning towards the middle of the book they start to talk about the the lesion. At first he lesion was "NOT COOL" to have then all of a sudden it became the most popular thing ever. The lesion is like a disease, but a nice looking one. One that marks everyone in a different place. In the book "FEED" there are many similariteis as well as reality.

The first picture shows all the way that we as human beings are related. The secoun picture[to the left] shows the lesion and how everyone is getting eat up by what we've made. The third picture[ the one right next to this] shows us the things that human have made can also injuried us and taken us into a different phrase of life.
I choose the three picture becuase the first one gave a little information of the characteristic that we have and the character in the book FEED has. As for the secound picture i choose it becuase it looked like a lesion and it reminds me of the book FEED itself , and it made me think about how we as human being are putting ourself in danger for the near future. The third picture gives me athe whole picture of what the first two picture can bring us into. As in confusion, lack of memory, more technology, and new creature that can harm us.

The picture to the right of this shows how human being are killing the nature and building many need and want that we have and need. It takes me back to the book FEED and how the the people there has trashed many different places; made it a boring polutted places and an invention of human beings.
It also brings me back to how the human had cut all the tree down to build a place that makes air for them to breath in the book "FEED."

I feel like the more we as human build upon our wants instead of our needs and advancing new things this can lead to robots. It might even also lead to how the people in "FEED" are like. This can really harm us in many way and affetc manys life in everyway that is possible. At first this was an illness that we can cure but now this is an illness or a dystopia that many can not let go, but get more and more addicted to it. "Dystopia: A society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppersion, disease, and overcrowding." We are going to lose many living space and one day live ontop of one another and the death of ours will follow slowly.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
U---FEED---NIT # 2

Sunday, April 26, 2009

- What do you notice abotu the language Anderson uses? What is his purpose for doing so? How is it effective?
I notice that the languages that Anderson uses is the language that today teen uses and it's trend of language that is meant to be used. For example "if we were to take a time trian back into the 1990's the people that exist at the time wouldn't say " that's the ****" but maybe they will say " that's nice" or " buddy" instead of "dude"". Another example is the word "UNIT"--it's used as dude and it's a word that they invented through out time. THe languauge that he uses is slang. His purpose of using slang is to make the teenager more like teenagers for we-- teenagers uses more slng then just plain words to talk to one another. In my opinion i think that this language that is being used by Anderson brings more eyes and readers to the book. IT also shows somewhat of a real teenaegr uses and choices in words.
- What do you know about thefunction of the "feeds" such as "going fugue" (pg.7)," the feed suggestsed'supplu'"(pg.11), advertisements at the end of chapters, etc. What does this all mean?
The feed is HITLER. IT is hitler becuase in the holocaust hitler took over or brain wash many people into doing the things he wants them to do and made them took commands. The feed some how takes apart at it by slowly taking control over the human body beign the brain for them and making the choice for them. The feed is also the technology for them( ipods, cell phones, enternet, etc....) The feed helps shows advertisements, give then songs to listen to( play for them), tell prices of things, looks up things that they want to know, give information, and let then connect with others that are far away. For example: "she would pause ans we can tell she was m-chattign all the news back to the friends down on earth" (pg.52) For me i feel like this means the ending of human beigns own brains but the control of technology at which was made by human hands itself.
- The girls have to change their hair frequently becuase the style change. What does this statement tell us abotu the trends in the novels?
Monday, April 20, 2009
FINALLY!!!!----- today!
Finalluy we all get to start reading the book. I'm like half way done with the book and then they start reading it. i guess it won't hurt to read it one more time. It's actually a very very very good book..
huh, today was boring unitl i got to 6th hour. World history super boring, I.B tech- not good at all ( i think i fail that project big time- mines is sooo different) , Chemistry- pretty cool- like the poster walk, math- good, chinese class-- uhmmm--- tiring( maybe because it was in the morning)- i.b english- sweet ( can't wait to put everything together & finally we are actually reading the book " FEED" -- nice, huh)
oh yea. WE had the uhmmm.. what do u calll it.. uhmmm... oh yea. we had a badminton game today and our badminton team doubles was like gone, they all disappear on us for jobs-- jobs are nice-- i don't blame them for it. Anyway we won though. YES!!!
i did my homework. read the book. uhmmm. i'm bored.. ok.. i'll go back to reading "FEED" .
Friday, April 17, 2009
our moments
we role down this steep hill
wondering if we will be safe
luaghing our way down
crying our way down
dance our way down
be retards along the way
and look up in the sky
when we get to the bottom of this hill
we'll recieve many bursies
be aching
and have blister
but we'll do fine
just knowing that we have each other
thanks for being there always-- iana--
ok?? friends??
we talked about true friends and people who we just consider friends
and those who back stab and those who didn't
Until that silent we had
After talking to her i finally realize that after high school all the friends that i have
and all those who i consider friends
ever the close one
The relationship between all of us will be like " none"
after the great graduation of ours in 2011
We grow up learning our parents are our friends
well at least i did
At the age of five
a new story of friendship starts to occur
and every chapter in this book grows
" a friends is a person to keep"
a line that many had told me
" a friend will never back stab"
a line many had said it's true
But all is a lie
my firends and i had seperated
we now have no clue of what so ever
it's like being brain wash by a wave
staright into the ocean
and getting flush up a toliet
being reborn
but in an older age
my freinds had back stab me
they've killed me a million,
trillion times
and what ever number you can say
but i have forgive
but never forget
The little mistake i done
the accident that i've had
they've kept it and wip me in the butt with it
yet i still forgive
for forgiving will make this bound we had stronger
but on that day
that very day
when they kick me to the floor
shoocked my head off my body
pulled my eyes out of my face
ripped my face into peices
like a woodpecker pecking on the a tree
slicing my body into chuncks
like a human chopping pork or beef
flodding my with their saliva
like street flooded by rain
this i can forgive but i will never forget
i carry this pain hoping i can find my so call " true friend"
the year of 2008 is ending and i've finally found a group of friends
that i share my smiles with
my darkes secerts
and my happiest moments
These laughter i had with them i will foever remember
these tears i cried with them i so will treasure
these crazy blonde moments i will forever freeze
the dance we made i will forever dance
the song we sang i will forever keep
and these promise we made i will forever swear i won't back out
we had soo much fun in such little time
we had soo much to share in such little time
came soo close
were so open
and ate up so much space
like a family
a group of sister walking in the mall
going shopping
we've done so many things
that i will never forget
but this is a new begginning of a year
this year is 2009
though it hasn't been long
time has just pass us by fast
we've changed
and it's not evern a year
we're sperating
and it's not even long
we're showing our differences
and it hasn't been a while
we're moving to different groups of friends
and it leaving what we've created
isolating one another
but saying we're not
how can this be
how did this happen
i guess
"true friends" are never
but "friends" are so
i guess
we'll commute to one another soon
we'll come back to unit
we'll come back to shed the tears
and the pains we hold in life, once again
so many has reject us
except for us
but now we're rejecting our self
instead of others rejecting us
my dear friends
i send this peom
full of hope
that we
the six of us
will forever stay strong
will forever stay friends
will soon be back
will soon come back
we will soon come back
for our body only left
but our hearts still stayed
( at least mines is)
no longer than this
can we with hold it in
we'll come back
come to survive
come to meet each other again
at our place
12 in the afternoon
luaghing and crying
being crazy monkeys
and smart geeks
i believe we will reunit
and not kick each other on the floor
like others done to us
--- to--- you ( who will know-
--- to--- them ( who won't get)
---from--me ( who worries in suffer)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
but it seems like there is no place to run to
all the places in the world for me to run is full
theres no more room in this world to hold all of our pain
so, i''m here holding onto my pain and grief
Hoping that one day
just one day it'll go away
and i sit here long before the sunset
asking when am i going to be "unfrozen"
Fall has disappear and yet my tears still fall
the leaves are off the ground
swept away with the air
but my tears forever stays in the soil of my foot
this platform that i stand
can no longer with hold me
every secounds that passes by it breaks slowing
creeping it's way into the ground
scraping the hard soil
running straight threw their soft blood
my eyes open wide
my mouth close tightly
the tears rolling slowly down my cheek
and i wonder in the dark starring night
hearing the owls sing their songs
the bats crying for food
these rats yelling for help
and the worms wiggling their way out of suffer
another tear drops
feeling sympathy
i twist
but i can't
i looked down to see the shining slik
holding onto my legs
like a giant holding onto his gold goose
it slowly crawls up my body
like the butterfly tinggling in my tummy when i make my speeches
then i realize
feeling the cold breeze
looking in the dark starring night
wishing and begging for help
i wake to notice
it's a dream
it's morning
the sun is up and the trees are white
the leaves cover in silk as white as the cloudy sky
the platform with hold piles of pillows
my body aching in pain
my heart as cold as ice cube
i move
and i can't
i turn
and i can't
i yell
yet my mouth is shut close
i blink
but a hand hold my eyes open
looking in the cloudy white sky
i have now realize
i am nowhere to be found
nor to be help
my death is here
my life ends here
the road of success
the journey of dreams
the smiles of happiness
the faces i see
the life i lived
will soon be a story
with a ending
this here
the land
the leaves
the hands that hold my eyes open
the pains i feel
the tear ripping my faces
the last breathe i'm taking will stay
forever in my head
until someone else's anyalizes them
i'm here
on April 16, 2009
under this peach tree
surrounding by white silks
and pillows
feeling the cold breeze passing by
the sky does not shine
the sun did not come out today
instead it's raining
raining white flowers
though my heart will stops
i will smile
and take my last breathe
mubbling " I'm Sorry"
there!! hahaha.. this is a peom or so that i wrote. it might be complicated to understand but yea. hahaha.. anyway i only hope that everyone enjoed it..
the peom is about a person forzen in the middle of April. That person's not really forzen. It's just that that person is going through soo many things that it feels as if that person was frozen in time. The pains that person carry will soon kill him/ her and the happy memories and dreams/ goals that person set forth to finish will then end. All that person can do is say sorry for life that she/ he has been given hoping for a better live; if theres another chance.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
she's weird!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I am soo Dumb
i am the dummest person ever. I have done soo many things that was facign the wrong direction. I am a bad and slow person. I blame Finals for it. XD it's really broing today yet it was fun in it's own way.